Aeroscan CD40
Extraordinary Image Quality | High-Sensitive Color Doppler 4D System
Aeroscan CD40 Premium segment systems provides intelligent workflow, Reliability, Outstanding Performance, Premium image Quality, Highly sensitive Color Doppler, Durability Hardware & Software, CD40 provides quick and fast diagnostic confidence to the doctors, The Intelligent Workflow and User Friendly Control Panel providing efficiency and remarkable user day to day experience.
Advanced Technologies for unexceptionable Images
Advanced μ-Scan: A Latest generation μ-Scan+, Play major role in B- Mode and 3D/4D modes, is more delicately engineered to distinguish tissue and artifacts, Improves the visibility of organs and Lesions in B Mode & Enhanced the B-Mode Resolution . In the meantime control the Speckle noise , improving image uniformity and enhance border continuity.
Spatial Compound Imaging utilizes several lines of sight for optimal contrast resolution, speckle reduction and border detection, with which CD40 is ideal for superficial and abdominal imaging with better clarity and improved continuity of structures.
Advance Dynamic Color & HPRF effectively improves the dynamics resolution and increase the resolution of blood flow.
Clinical Benefit:
Low & Slow Blood Flow Detection for better and accurate vessel profile , High Spatial resolution for less overfilling & Greater Color Doppler Sensitivity.
Advanced Transducer Technologies
1Mhz Low Frequency Convex transducer greatly improve the Piezoelectric crystal signal ratio, Acquire stunning Quality Images & New Generation μ-Scan + Provide High sensitivity & High Resolution for the Both near and far field, 200 degree Transvaginal Probe provides extraordinary image quality for gynaecology, Early Obstetrics scan, HD Linear Transducer achieve a Uniform image Quality, high sensitive acoustic spectrum in vascular, breast, MSK, Thyriod, Lower and upper limp, Etc and Aeroscan CD40 enhancing boundary improved visualization in 2D and Color Doppler in Echocardiogram with all premium Features loaded., CD40 Supports Ultras-wide Frequency bandwidth Probes - Intra-operative, Paediatric, Neonatal, TEE, Transrectal, Volume Transducer & More.,
Advance Feature and 4d Volume
Auto Face, S-Depth, S-Live Silhouette, AVC Follicle, Contrast Imaging, C-xlasto Imaging, Auto NT, Auto IMT, Auto EF, TDI, Stress Echo, Real-Time Color Panoramic, Vis-Needle
Advanced Features
21.5 inch LED monitor
13.3- Inch high sensitivity touch screen adjusts to accommodate user viewing preference in any scanning environment
Height-adjustable and rotatable control panel
5 active transducers sockets provides wide range of clinical applications
Sliding keyboard
Multi-stage temperature control gel warmer
Large capacity detachable battery